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27 November 2015

The research project "Ascending evacuation in long stairways: Physical exertion, walking speed and behaviour" has now been completed. This project investigated the effects of fatigue on walking speeds, physiological performance and behaviours in case of long ascending evacuation. The partners of the research projects included researchers from Lund [...]

11 November 2015

Dr Enrico Ronchi and Dr Daniel Nilsson at the Division of Fire Safety Engineering have recently authored a chapter in the book "Evacuation Modelling Trends" edited by A. Cuesta, O. Abreu and D. Alvear. The book covers different aspects of evacuation modelling for fire safety engineering. Dr Ronchi and Dr Nilsson have authored the first chapter of [...]

28 October 2015

In the week of 18-23 October, the technical committee ISO TC92 Fire Safety met at NIST in Gaithersburg, USA. Prof. Patrick van Hees, chair of TC92, and Daniel Nilsson, chair of Sub Committee 4 (SC4) on Fire Safety Engineering, both attended the meetings. Many interesting standards, technical specifications and technical reports were discussed in [...]

26 October 2015

On November 23rd, the Division of Fire Safety Engineering at Lund University invites you to the final seminar of two research projects recently finished: “Use of safe refuge areas” and “Ascending evacuation in long stairs”. See attached invitation for more information. Attending the seminar is free but the number of places are limited. Please use [...]

15 October 2015

On the 28-30th of September, 2015, the 6th International Symposium on Human Behaviour in Fire took place at the Downing College in Cambridge, UK. The Symposium included the presentation of 53 technical papers and 14 poster papers. The topic addressed in the symposium covered a broad variety of sub-areas of human behaviour in fire, including [...]

14 October 2015

Avdelningen för brandteknik deltar i ett projekt som studerar tekniska orsaker till dödsbränder i bostäder. Projektet leds av SP Fire Research och har kommit en bra bit på väg och nu välkomnas du att ta del av de första resultaten från projektet.  Seminariet hålls på Textile Fashion Center, Skaraborgsvägen 3A, Borås, torsdagen den 19:e november [...]

21 September 2015

The division of fire safety engineering participated in Kulturnatten (the Culture night) that was held in Lund on Saturday (September 19). Several different small fire experiments (e.g. a fire whirl, pre-mixed flame and methane soap bubbles) were demonstrated for the public during the day.

3 September 2015

Dan Madsen is a new doctoral student that will work in the research area of smoldering fires within the EMRIS-project. The research at the EMRIS-project will be aimed at improving the knowledge both on smoldering mechanisms and on properties of relevant materials. Dan has an educational degree of B.Sc in mechanical and fire protection engineering [...]

20 August 2015

Our People pages have been updated and we have now added a list of graduated doctoral students in the research subject: "Fire Safety Engineering". You can also find links to more information about the different graduated students doctoral work and in most cases the thesis is available for download (open access).

11 August 2015

The refurbished fire laboratory at the department is currently undergoing calibration before our students arrive in the first week of September. The first laboratories will be on flame heights with our 1st year students in the Introduction to Fire and Risk course.

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