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11 August 2015

Marcus Runefors has been appointed Lecture (Universitets adjunkt) at the department. In addition to teaching, Marcus will continue his postgraduate studies at 50%. Furthermore, Nils Johansson has been appointed associate senior lecturer. Nils took his PhD degree in Fire Safety Engineering at the department in April.  

22 June 2015

Lund University was represented at the European Symposium on Fire Safety Science (ESFSS) by five persons from the department of Fire Safety Engineering. The symposium was held in Nicosia, Cyprus on June 16-18. Stefan Svensson held a keynote presentation on 'Fire Research for the Rescue Service' and moderated the discussion following the poster [...]

29 May 2015

The 12th International Symposium on Fire Safety Science will be hosted by the Division of Fire Safety Engineering June 12-16, 2017. The Symposium is the premier fire safety science meeting in the world and has been organized triennially since 1985. The program will have parallel sessions for the presentation of fully peer-reviewed papers over the [...]

19 May 2015

Karl Fridolf "spikade" (nailed) his PhD thesis today at the department of Fire Safety Engineering. Karl will defend his thesis "Rail Tunnel Evacuation" on June 12. Please see the here for more information about the dissertation.

8 May 2015

On the 28th-30th of September, 2015, the 6th International Symposium on Human Behaviour in Fire will take place at the Downing College, Cambridge, UK. The Department of Fire Safety Engineering is involved in an impressive number of contributions, including 1 Keynote presentation, 9 papers, 3 posters and a discussion panel.     The complete list [...]

8 May 2015

Vi har redovisningar av examensarbeten för Brandingenjörsprogrammet och Civilingenjörsprogrammet i riskhantering den 22 maj, 2015. Samma dag har vi även redovisningar för våra studenter på Erasmus Mundus programmet i Fire Safety Technology. Se bifogade inbjudningar för mer information! Inbjudan brandingenjör och civilingenjör i riskhantering [...]

7 May 2015

On June 12, Karl Fridolf will defend his doctoral thesis Rail Tunnel Evacuation. The defense act is publicly open, and starts at 13.00 in E:1406, E-huset, Ole Römers väg 3, Lund. Faculty opponent is Dr. Karen Boyce, Senior Lecturer in Fire Safety Engineering at the Built Environment Research Institute, School of the Built Environment, University of [...]

17 April 2015

Nils Johansson successfully defended his PhD thesis on the 13th of April. The faculty opponent was associate professor Björn Karlsson, University of Iceland and the examining committee consisted of:  Docent Frederik Ossler, Division of Combustion Physics, Department of Physics, Lund University, SwedenDr. Anne Steen-Hansen, SP Fire Research [...]

15 April 2015

The Nordic FDS user group meeting will be hosted by Lund University on April 21-22. The purpose of the workshop is to mutually exchange information on the use of FDS for modelling of fires and evacuation. We have currently 35 participants. We have now published a program and a description of the presentations. You can find more information in [...]

15 April 2015

The Centre of Excellence for world-wide exchange of information and know-how regarding safety and security of underground facilities has awarded Karl Fridolf the ITA COSUF Award for 2015. Karl is a industrial PhD student working at SP Fire Research. The award will be ceremoniously presented and handed over by the ITA COSUF chairman at the next ITA [...]

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