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24 August 2022

Giulia De Cet is currently visiting researcher at the Division of Fire Safety Engineering. She will spend one month working in the area of egressibility. Giulia recently obtained her PhD at the University of Padua, Italy.  Giulia will spend her research visit along with Dr Enrico Ronchi and Erik Smedberg, conducting virtual reality experiments [...]

8 August 2022

Erik Smedberg, PhD student at the Division was selected for the SFPE 2022 Proulx scholarship award for his research on the impact of the presence of people with mobility limitations on exit choice. Erik will continue his research in the domain of Egressibility under the supervision of Dr Enrico Ronchi. The award is in honour of Dr. Guylène Proulx, [...]

17 June 2022

Axel Mossberg successfully defended his PhD thesis “Elevator Evacuation – Exploring Behavioural Aspects”. The faculty opponent was Dr. Nigel McConnell, Ulster University. The thesis, excluding papers, can be found here. Congratulations Axel!

16 June 2022

Erik Smedberg successfully defended his licenciate thesis “Egressibility – Applying the concept of accessibility to the self-evacuation of people with functional limitations” today, June 16th! Congratulations Erik!

21 May 2022

On June 17th at 09.00, Axel Mossberg will defend his PhD thesis “Elevator Evacuation – Exploring Behavioural Aspects”. The defense will take place in lecture room V:A in the V-building, John Ericssons väg 1, Lund. The defense will will start with a 30-minute presentation followed by a short break before the question session. The entire defense [...]

13 May 2022

We will have presentations of student thesis work on May 30 and 31! You can find the agenda and information on how to join (online) here: May 30 (Swedish students) May 31 (IMFSE students) Welcome to attend!

28 April 2022

Marcus Runefors has won the 2022 Jack Watts Award for Outstanding Reviewer. This award celebrates the highest quality and most helpful reviewers, an essential part of the journal. It is presented annually to those peers whose reviews were most valuable in terms of quality, in-depth, number and timeliness.

18 March 2022

We are looking for a doctoral student in the area of emissions from fires! Read more here!

10 March 2022

On June the 16th at 09.15, Erik Smedberg will defend his Licentiate thesis “Egressibility – Applying the concept of accessibility to the self-evacuation of people with functional limitations”.  The defense will take place in hybrid mode, and it will be conducted fully in English. The defense will take place in the room V:A, V-building, Lund [...]

4 March 2022

Patrick van Hees medverkar på Sveriges Bygguniversitets digitala lunchseminarium den 8 mars. Under seminariet kommer Patrick att presentera resultaten av Holifas-projektet som genomfördes med flera deltagare från temagruppen Byggnadens tekniska funktion. Holifas projektet behandlade brandsäkerheten i fasadsystem genom en holistisk helhetssyn med [...]

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