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7 February 2017

The Division of Fire Safety Engineering hosts the 12th International Symposium on Fire Safety Science in June 2017. The Symposium is the premier fire safety science meeting in the world. The program will include parallel sessions for with presentations of fully peer-reviewed papers over the five days, including invited lectures from the world’s top [...]

11 January 2017

Den 26 januari kommer examensarbeten för brandingenjörer och civilingenjörer i riskhantering att hållas i v-huset. Se här för lista på arbeten och tider under. Välkomna!

20 December 2016

On December 12th and 13th, the Kick-off meeting of the K-FORCE (Knowledge for resilient society) project took place at University of Novi Sad, Serbia. This is a 3-year EU-funded Erasmus+ project on capacity building in Higher Education in the Western Balkan with a total budget of over 1,2 million euros. Lund University is participating in the [...]

14 December 2016

During spring 2017 the Division of Fire Safety Engineering, Lund University, will organise a course in Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) for room fires. The course is given primarily as a distance learning course in combination with two seminars, the first one between January 19 to 20 and second one between April 6 to 7. Participation for external [...]

13 December 2016

A total of four papers at Fire and Materials 2017 will be presented by people associated with the Division of Fire Safety Engineering at Lund University. Fire and Materials is a major international forum on fire performance of materials and the products into which they are made. The conference, now in it's 25th year, focuses on the needs of [...]

1 December 2016

The teachers’ team participated as usual in the annual floorball tournament amongst the fire-engineering students at Lund University. The teachers’ team was lead by goalkeeper Prof. Patrick van Hees, and the team made it all the way to the final where they were beaten with 3-2.  Even so, a great success compared to previous years.

1 December 2016

Den 14 december kommer examensarbeten för brandingenjörer och civilingenjörer i riskhantering att hållas i V:Brand. Se här för lista på arbeten och tider under dagen. Välkomna!    

29 November 2016

Den 23-24 november pågick Brandskydd 2016 i Upplands Väsby. Avdelningen för brandteknik var representerade både med forskare och ett antal studenter. Håkan Frantzich gav en presentation den första dagen kring verifiering av brandteknisk dimensionering och Marcus Runefors presenterade resultat från ett forskningsprojekt om trycksättning av trapphus [...]

20 October 2016

Lene Østrem is a new industrial PhD student at the division. Lene took her fire engineering degree from Stord / Haugesund, Norway in 2006 and master in Risk Management at the University of Stavanger, Norway in 2011. She has worked two years as a fire consultant at Norconsult (2006 -2008) and most recently she worked at Gassco (operator for [...]

19 October 2016

In occasion of the visit of Pope Francis to Sweden on the 31st of October and 1st of November 2016, Dr Daniel Nilsson has been interviewed by the Swedish Television Channel Sydnytt to discuss about crowd management in case of large mass gatherings. The Division of Fire Safety Engineering at Lund University is largely engaged in research activities [...]

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