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20 December 2019

On Thursday January 23rd at 13.15, Marcus Runefors will defend his PhD-thesis with the title “Fatal Residential Fires – Prevention and Response”. The act will take place in lecture hall V:D (at John Ericssons väg 1 in Lund) and will start with a 30 minutes presentation followed by a 10 minutes break where it is possible to leave before the [...]

18 December 2019

Marcus Runefors will defend this PhD thesis "Fatal Residential Fires - Prevention and Response" in January, but today Marcus nailed his thesis to the division walls. The nailing procedure is an old tradition at Lund University. An invitation to the thesis defence will be published soon. 

18 December 2019

Måndagen den 13e januari redovisas examensarbeten på avdelningen för Brandteknik. Eftersom det är en fullspäckad dag med totalt 14 examensarbete så kommer presentationerna ske parallellt i två olika salar. Vänligen se schema för redovisningarna i sal V:Brand och i sal V:P2. Välkomna!

13 December 2019

A Virtual Reality experiment was conducted in the Fire Lab in the scope of a Bachelor thesis project. The experiment aimed to evaluate the effect of radiant heat flux in the perception of realism of the VR environment. Participants were exposed to a VR scenario in which smoke filled up a long corridor the participants were in. Radiant heat panels [...]

25 November 2019

Torsdagen den 12 december redovisas examensarbete på avdelningen för Brandteknik. Vänligen se schema för redovisningarna. Välkomna!

4 November 2019

Haukur Ingason adjunct professor at the division of fire safety engineering receives the 2020 Sjölin award. The Sjölin Award recognizes an outstanding contribution to the science of fire safety or an advance in the state of the art in fire safety engineering practice of extraordinary significance. The award consists of a plaque and an honorarium. [...]

21 October 2019

IPS är en intresseorganisation för processsäkerhet som firade sitt 25-årsjubileum med våra kollegor på Avdelningen för Riskhantering och Samhällssäkerhet den 16 oktober. Besök i brandlabbet var givetvis på schemat som ett uppskattat avslutande inslag. Besökarna fick diskutera brandegenskaper och branddynamik samt prova på utrymningsexperiment i [...]

15 October 2019

We are looking for a new phD student in the area of fire safety engineering and risk assessment, connected to natural disasters. In particular, this doctoral position refers to development of methods to evaluate the risk of multiple natural hazards, with a focus on fire risk and flooding risk. The studies will be conducted as part of a research [...]

14 October 2019

Yajun Huang is a joint supervision Ph.D. student from the University of Science and Technology of China. After Prof. Patrick van Hees’ valuable advice, he have begun a series of flame spread experiments with the help of Dan Madsen and Dr. Jonathan Wahlqvist. The study is a part of the cooperation and exchange funded by the Swedish Foundation for [...]

24 September 2019

The division of Fire Safety Engineering is very happy and proud that Dr. Enrico Ronchi has been awarded the prestigious Magnusson award by the International Association of Fire Safety Science (IAFSS). Dr. Ronchi will receive the award at the 13th IAFSS Symposium in Waterloo, Canada in April, 2020. The award commemorates Prof. Sven Erik Magnusson [...]

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