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23 September 2019

Marcus Runefors deltog i en paneldiskussion kring Brand och Nya Risker på brandkonferensen Brand2019 i våras. Nu finns det möjlighet att se hela diskussionen på 

19 September 2019

The fifth Nordic FDS user group meeting will be hosted by Lund University on October 24. The purpose of this workshop is knowledge sharing in the fire engineering community when using FDS for modelling of fires and for modelling of evacuation. One of the topics will be the modelling of complex geometries in FDS. We would like to cover a number [...]

3 September 2019

We are happy to welcome Erik Smedberg as new PhD student at the division of FSE. Erik is supervised by Dr. Ronchi and his research will be focused on human behavior in fire and the use of virtual reality in evacuation research. Erik holds a B.Sc in FPE and a M.Sc. in Risk Management from Lund University, the title of his M.Sc. thesis was: "The [...]

27 August 2019

Denna vecka har 53 nya brandingenjörsstudenter kommit till Lund! Veckan är full med aktiviteter, bland annat en heldag på Räddningstjänsten Syds övningsplats Barbara!

22 August 2019

Professor Longhua Hu visits the division of Fire Safety Engineering during this week. Professor Longhua is Director Assistant at the State Key Laboratory of Fire Science (SKLFS) in China. The division currently hold a three-year mobility grant for exchange of doctoral students and post-docs with SKLFS. Both senior researchers and PhD students will [...]

13 August 2019

Starting from this August until December 2019, the Division of Fire Safety Engineering hosts Jun Kubota, a research student working at the laboratory of Prof Tomonori Sano at Waseda University. Jun's research relates to route choice during evacuation. In particular, his main research interest is people way-finding considering emergency signage and [...]

25 July 2019

Silvia Arias is awarded the 2019 Proulx Scholarship. Silvias research includes how Virtual Reality (VR) can be used to study human behavior in fire. By using VR in an experimental setup it may be possible to study human behavior in conditions that otherwise can be dangerous to people. The award is one of the prestigious SFPE Educational and [...]

3 July 2019

The division of Fire Safety Engineering, Lund University (LU), plan to offer a course in Tunnel Fire Dynamics  to PhD students at LU as well as post-graduate students at other universities and external participants fulfilling the basic requirements on background education related to the subject. The course includes seminars, lectures and exercises. [...]

2 July 2019

The division of Fire Safety Engineering is well represented at the Interflam conference in London! People related to the division is involved in more than 10 papers; furthermore, Patrick van Hees, Margret McNamee and Enrico Ronchi are also acting as chairpersons during the conference. 

8 May 2019

There will be presentations of Thesis work on May 27 at the Division of Fire Safety Engineering. The presentations will take place in V:Brand on the third floor in the V-building, John Ericssonsväg 1, Lund. The program in available here. Welcome!

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