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19 February 2023

The division of Fire Safety Engineering is part of the WUI-NITY consortium, that has been awarded a new grant from the National Institute of Standards and Technology. The WUI-NITY 4 project focuses on an integrated software platform that works to enhance life safety in case of wildland-urban interface (WUI) fires by simulating WUI evacuation [...]

21 December 2022

There has been a new newsletter published in the FIRE21 project. You can find it here. FIRE21 is a research project that investigates problem solving in the Fire and Rescue Services in Sweden, Norway and Denmark. The project examines the importance of formal and informal networks before, during and after a rescue operation.

30 November 2022

I förra veckan genomfördes konferensen Brandskydd 2022. Studenter blev inbjudna att visa upp sina pågående examensarbete! Från avd. Brandteknik visade Madeleine Häggqvist och Petter Tisell upp sitt examensarbete "Branddetektering med ljud i enkla träelement". Det är jättetrevligt att våra studenter blir inbjudna till denna typ av konferenser och [...]

29 November 2022

Den 9 december redovisas examensarbete på avdelningen Brandteknik, LTH. Vänligen se bifogat schema. Redovisningarna kommer att hållas i sal V:P1, Johan Ericssons väg 1 i Lund samt online via Zoom. Zoom-länk: Ni är varmt välkomna att delta.

19 November 2022

Emelie Lantz successfully defended her licentiate thesis, "Non-career firefighters in rural areas - Exploring aspects contributing to retention", on Friday November 18.  Congratulations Emelie!

9 November 2022

On November the 18th at 13.00, Emelie Lantz will defend her Licentiate thesis "Non-career firefighters in rural areas - Exploring aspects contributing to retention".  The defense will take place in hybrid mode. The defense will take place in the room V:C, V-building, Lund University, John Ericsons väg 1, Lund and on [...]

13 October 2022

Den 21 oktober är det presentationer av examensarbete på avdelningen för brandteknik enligt följande schema. Presentationer och opponering sker i sal V:Brand, v-huset men kan även följas online via zoom. 

7 October 2022

Today (Oct. 7), Konrad Wilkens Flecknoe-Brown succesfully defend his PhD thesis “Fire Behaviour of Upholstered Furniture Component Materials at Multiple Scales"! The faculty opponent was Adj. Prof Björn Sundström Luleå Technical University. Congratulations Dr. Wilkens Flecknoe-Brown!!

16 September 2022

On October 7th at 09.15, Konrad Wilkens Flecknoe-Brown will defend his PhD thesis “Fire Behaviour of Upholstered Furniture Component Materials at Multiple Scales”. The defense will take place in lecture room V:A in the V-building, John Ericssons väg 1, Lund. The defense will will start with a 30-minute presentation followed by a short break before [...]

13 September 2022

On the 8th and 9th of September our Division hosted Prof Tomonori Sano from Waseda University. During his visit, we arranged a bilateral hybrid workshop to share information concerning ongoing research at our Fire Safety Division and at SanoLab. There were 12 presentations in the domain of pedestrian dynamics, evacuation and ageing, including [...]

Page Manager: | 2023-05-09