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4 May 2016

There will be presentations of theses on May 23. You can find the list of theses here:Bachelor theses (Swedish students)Master theses (IMFSE students)All the presentations will be held in room V:Brand in the v-building, faculty of engineering.

18 April 2016

The division of fire safety engineering has several visiting professors and lecturers during this spring semester. Dr. Rita Fahy (NFPA) and Dr Tomonori Sano (Waseda University) are currently at the division and working with the evacuation group During this and last week Prof. Bart Merci from Ghent University visits the division and give lectures on [...]

14 April 2016

Besides research and teaching shall Swedish universities share knowledge and communicate with the public society. This is called the ”third task” or "science outreach”. The division of fire safety engineering has a lot of engagement with the society and practitioners working with issues related to the work at the division. Examples of activities [...]

13 April 2016

För 30 år sedan antogs den första Brandingenjörskullen och för 15 år sedan antogs den första Riskhanteringskullen vid LTH. Dessutom firar programmet International Master in Fire Safety Engineering 5 år (som vi ger tillsammans med University of Ghent och University of Edinburgh). Dessa jubileum hade vi tänkt att fira i höst genom ett antal [...]

1 April 2016

Dr. Håkan Frantzich will from today be back as researcher at our Division. We are very happy to see him again after a stay at a Swedish consultancy company. It is nice for us to see people returning to our division which shows that we have a good working environment with a lot of possibilities for personal development.

23 March 2016

The division of Fire Safety Engineering is very delighted that the paper "Evacuation of a Metro Train in an Underground Rail Transportation System: Flow Rate Capacity of Train Exits, Tunnel Walking Speeds and Exit Choice" authored by Karl Fridolf (SP), Daniel Nilsson (LU) and Håkan Frantzich (Bengt Dahlgren) has been selected for Change the World: [...]

10 March 2016

Interested in joining the International Master of Fire Safety Engineering (IMFSE) as a self-sponsoring student and want to find out more? Join our VIRTUAL TOUR on Monday 21 March at 1pm GMT! Register at

6 March 2016

The technical program for the 14th International conference Interflam 2016 is now published. The program consists of 120 papers and 70 posters and it can be viewed on the Interflam website. Professor Patrick van Hees is a member of the program committee and people connected to the division of Fire Safety Engineering are involved in twelve paper [...]

29 February 2016

Senior lecturer Daniel Nilsson has been interviewed in a danish documentary on "panic" in different situations. The documentary was aired on February 27 but is available online and can be seen outside of Denmark.

5 February 2016

Dr Tomonori Sano, Professor at the school of Human Sciences at Waseda University (Japan) will visit the division of Fire Safety Engineering at Lund University during the spring during his sabbatical year. Tomonori is an Architect with a Phd in Engineering. He is currently the director of the Sano laboratory on Architectural planning at Waseda [...]

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