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14 April 2015

The 2nd International Seminar for Fire Safety of Facades (FSF2016) will be held in Lund, May 11-13 2016. The seminar is organised by CSTB and SP. The following topics will be discussed: • Standardization work • Test and assessment methods • Regulations • Fire safety engineering • Fire extinguishment and fire-fighter intervention • Facade [...]

9 April 2015

Our research engineer and lab technician Sven-Ingvar Granemark retires at the end of April after 48 years at Lund University.  Sven-Ingvar started out as an instrument maker in 1967. He was a part of the planning and building of the successful fire laboratory at Lund University and with his background as an instrument maker, he was able to [...]

30 March 2015

Today a new tradition was introduced at the department of Fire Safety Engineering when Nils Johansson nailed (spikade) his PhD thesis to a piece of wood. Please see the invitation for more information about the dissertation. The thesis is available from Lund University Library.

25 March 2015

During two days the Swedish radio program Vetenskapsradion Forum has focused on fire research. In the first program (broadcast march 23) Professor Patrick van Hees participated in a program on fire testing. Docent Stefan Svensson participated in the second program (broadcast march 24) on new methods for the rescue service. The programs are [...]

19 March 2015

The water mist seminar organized by the International Water Mist Association at Lund University on the 12th of March was a success. The presentations from the seminar are available from the IWMA website. 

18 March 2015

Nils Johansson will defend his PhD thesis "Fire Dynamics of Multi-Room Compartment Fires" on April 13. Faculty opponent is Associate Professor Björn Karlsson, University of Iceland. Please see the invitation for more information. The thesis is available from Lund University Library.     

11 March 2015

A water mist seminar organized by the International Water Mist Association is held in Lund on the 12th of March in room K:A in the Chemistry building (Getingevägen 60) at the Faculty of Engineering. The title of the seminar is: "Scandinavian Water Mist Seminar - Technical Update & Approval Status". The program and more information can be [...]

10 March 2015

In Swedish: Professor emeritus Sven Erik Magnusson avled 15 december 2014. Han lämnar efter sig familj, vänner och kollegor i sorg och saknad. Sven Erik har varit ovärderlig i utvecklingen av både forskning och utbildning inom brandvetenskap, brandteknik, riskhantering och samhällsskydd, vid Lunds universitet. I brandvetenskapsvärlden kommer [...]

6 March 2015

The Nordic FDS user group meeting will again be hosted by Lund University. The purpose of the workshop is to mutually exchange information on the use of FDS for modelling of fires and evacuation. We have currently 25 participants. But we need more presentations.  Participants are encouraged to come and give a short [...]

2 March 2015

Vi har redovisningar av examensarbeten för Brandingenjörsprogrammet och Civilingenjörsprogrammet i riskhantering den 13 mars, 2015. Se bifogad inbjudningar för mer information! Inbjudan

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