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10 August 2016

Following the recent 2016 Fort McMurray wildfire emergency evacuation in Canada, in which 2,400 buildings were destroyed and tens of thousands of people were evacuated, the e-Murray project was started. The project “e-Murray - Modelling requirements for an open-access multiphysics approach to planning of urban evacuations caused by wildfire [...]

9 August 2016

Idag (9 augusti) fyller Kaare Brandsjö 100 år. Kaare är den person i Sverige som genom åren etablerat sig som den särklassigt främste kännaren av svenskt brandväsende och svensk räddningstjänst. Kaare har genom åren stöttat avdelningen för brandteknik och brandingenjörsutbildningen vid Lunds Universitet. Kaare donerade 2008 sin boksamling till [...]

7 July 2016

A large delegation from the Division of Fire Safety Engineering at Lund University participated in Interflam, the 14th International Conference and Exhibition on Fire Science and Engineering. Interflam was held 4-6 July at Royal Holloway College, Nr Windsor, UK.  Professor Patrick van Hees held a keynote presentation on The Urgent Need for System [...]

30 June 2016

För 30 år sedan antogs den första Brandingenjörskullen och för 15 år sedan antogs den första Riskhanteringskullen vid Lunds Tekniska Högskola. Dessutom fyller det internationella Mastersprogrammet i Brandteknik (IMFSE), som vi ger tillsammans med University of Ghent och University of Edinburgh, fem år. Allt detta firar vi med jubileum, fest och [...]

22 June 2016

Professor Björn Karlsson visits the division during June and July. Professor Karlsson is currently professor at Iceland University and the Director General at the Iceland Construction Authority. Between 1993 and 2001 Professor Karlsson worked as Associate Professor at Lund University and the division is very happy to have him back as a visitor.  [...]

17 June 2016

The Nordic Fire Safety Days (NFSD) was held at Aalborg University in Copenhagen, Denmark, June 16-17. Lund University is represented in the scientific committee and NFSD consortium. The conference has a focus on risk and fire research in the Nordic countries. This year the technical program consisted of more than 60 presentations and more than 150 [...]

3 June 2016

People from the division of Fire Safety Engineering have recently participated in the 2nd International Conference on Fire Safety of Facades and in the 11th Conference on Performance Based Codes and Fire Safety Design Methods. The 2nd International Conference on Fire Safety of Facades organised by CSTB and SP was held in Lund, May 10-12. The [...]

2 June 2016

Dr. Enrico Ronchi has been granted a new project on ForensicVR where human behaviour in fire will be investigated with Virtual Reality. The project is funded by the Crafoord Foundation and more information can be found here.

26 May 2016

Professor Patrick van Hees is a member of the Fire and Materials Journal Editorial Board and he is also on the programme committee of the Fire and Materials Conference. The Fire and Materials Conference focuses on the needs of manufacturers, their customers, designers and regulators, who require up-to-date information on fire issues, including new [...]

18 May 2016

There will be five workshops arranged on Sunday before the 12th International Symposium on Fire Safety Science hosted by the division in June 2017. Each workshop will include a panel of experts that will engage with the audience discussing and debating the pertinent issues in the topic. The workshop titles are: Quantification of Fire Effluent [...]

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