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12 October 2016

The graduation ceremony for the IMFSE students of cohort 2014 was held at Gent University on September 9. The students gave short summaries of their thesis work and professors associated with the program delivered speeches. Professor Patrick van Hees and Dr. Nils Johansson represented Lund University at the ceremony.  The student chapter at the [...]

7 October 2016

The International Water Mist Association (IWMA) has just had their annual meeting in Vienna on the 21st and 22nd of September 2016. In order to further research into the area of water mist the IWMA has for the first time awarded a prize for the best master’s thesis. Next year the award will go to the best PhD thesis.  Daniel Martin from “The [...]

23 September 2016

Brian Meacham, Associate Professor in the Department of Fire Protection Engineering at Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) in the USA, is visiting the Fire Safety Engineering Division at Lund University for the month of September. He is spending time with us as part of his year-long sabbatical research into the situation with performance-based [...]

19 September 2016

The division of fire safety engineering participated in "Kulturnatten" ("Night of Culture") on September 17. This is an annual event coordinated by the Municipality of Lund. More than 50,000 people visits Lund City and the 300-400 activities that is organized at different venues all around Lund, most of them with no charge. This was the second [...]

13 September 2016

Avdelningen för Brandteknik deltar tillsammans med SP i ett stort forskningsprojekt om bostadsbränder. Nu är det dags för halvtidsseminarium. Seminariet hålls på Malmö Högskola den 25 oktober och är kostnadsfritt. Seminariet arrangeras av Brandforsk och mer information om seminariet och anmälan hittar du här. 

12 September 2016

A lot of fire researchers around the world are currently in the preparation for the 12th International Symposium of Fire Safety Science (IAFSS) that will be held at Lund University, June 12-16, 2017. The deadline for submitting full papers are October 15 and the instructions for authors have recently been published. The IAFSS Symposium is [...]

2 September 2016

Nils Johansson, Stefan Svensson and Patrick van Hees have been awarded with the prestigious Jack Bono Award for Engineering Communications. The award recognize the author(s) of the paper published in the journal Fire Technology during the prior year that has most contributed to the advancement and application of professional fire protection [...]

31 August 2016

Den 29-30 september (torsdag-fredag) arrangeras en konferens i Lund med anledning av jubileet av brandingenjörsprogrammet, IMFSE och programmet för Civilingenjör i Riskhantering. Programmet för firandet ser ut som följer: 29/9 9:30-16:30 Konferensdag 1: Tema risk- och krishantering (Kårhusaulan, Kårhuset, LTH)29/9 18:00-sent Jubileumsfest [...]

23 August 2016

Under den senaste tiden har flera anlagda bränder i bilar och i skolbyggnader inträffat i Sverige.  Detta har uppmärksammats i svenska (aftonbladet, vlt, DN) och internationella medier. Avdelningen för Brandteknik har en stor erfarenhet av forskning kring tekniska åtgärder för att begränsa och förebygga anlagda bränder i skolor och bränder som [...]

11 August 2016

The Division of Fire Safety Engineering at Lund University is launching a new online course entitled “Fire Evacuation Design”. The course content covers different behavioural theories and concepts concerning fire evacuation. The course also includes an overview of the evacuation models available on the market (from an impartial point of view) and [...]

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