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15 August 2011

1-4 August a conference was arranged in Zürich in Switzerland, namely ICASP 11 – Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering. The conference was arranged by the International Civil Engineering Risk and Reliability Association (CERRA) and the theme of the conference was risk and reliability analysis methods and applications in [...]

1 July 2011

The registration for the Master's Program in Human Factors and Systems Safety is now open. As we have informed you earlier the program will be organized by our department, starting 2012. The focus of the programme will be safety management in complex organizations, views on accident causality, and how to respond to - and learn from - failure. These [...]

14 June 2011

In the end of this week many of the department's researchers will be travelling to Washington to participate in one of the largest fire safety science meeting in the world; the 10th International IAFSS Symposium, which is held on the campus of the University of Maryland. More than 400 scientists and engineers from all over the world is expected to [...]

14 June 2011

Last week (8-10 June) a big conference was arranged in Sophia Antipolis in France, namely the 4th Symposium on Resilience Engineering. The theme of the symposium was 'Resilience Engineering in Practice' and papers submitted from all over the world adressed this issue. Three contributions from the Department of Fire Safety Engineering and Systems [...]

7 June 2011

Last week the Department of Fire Safety Engineering and Systems Safety performed a large evacuation experiment in Stockholm, involving 100 test participants recruited from the general public. The purpose of the experiment, which was carried out as a part of WP2 of the METRO project (, was (1) to study the effectiveness of [...]

26 May 2011

With the release of our new homepage the ability to order Brandskyddshandboken online was removed. However, this feature has now been re-added. Brandskyddshandboken is a Swedish publication that can be used in the fire safety design of buildings. If you want to order Brandskyddshandboken, please follow this link (Swedish).

10 May 2011

On the 26-27 of May a number of students at the Fire Protection Engineering programme and the Master's programme in Risk Management and Systems Safety will defend their theses. Please see the attached program for information. Welcome! Program 25-26 May 2011  

11 April 2011

On Tuesday, Thursday and Friday this week an attempt will be made to broadcast our visiting reseracher's (Rita Fahy's and David Purser's) lectures on evacuation and toxicity assessment. This means that you don't have to come to Lund but instead can watch the lectures in front of your computer by following this link. Please see the schedule below [...]

4 April 2011

The Department of Fire Safety Engineering and Systems Safety is proud to present a new master programme leading to a Master in Human Factors and Systems Safety! The programme was previously organized by the Lund University School of Aviation, but starting 2012 the programme will be based at our department. The focus of the programme will be [...]

30 March 2011

This spring the Department of Fire Safety Engineering and Systems Safety will have two very well respected evacuation researchers visiting us, namely Rita Fahy and David Purser. Both will be involved in the course "Human Behaviour in Fire (VBRN10)" taken by the students of the Master programme in Fire Safety Engineering. Rita Fahy's research areas [...]

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