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20 August 2014

The IMFSE (International Master of Science in Fire Safety Engineering) Management Board is proud to announce that the IMFSE program has been labeled ‘a very interesting and valuable Erasmus Mundus Master course’ after official Quality Review assessment by the European Commission. As a result, the IMFSE program has been formally included to the [...]

5 May 2014

The students of the International Master in Fire Safety Engineering will present their Master Theses on May 12 and 14. Invitation

6 April 2014

The 11th International Symposium of Fire Safety Science was held in Christchurch, New Zealand in the middle of February. Both PhD students and senior researchers represented the Department of Fire Safety Engineering. People from the department presented four papers and three posters during the five-day long symposium. Three awards were given to [...]

28 March 2014

Are you interested in becoming a PhD student at the Department of Fire Safety Engineering? Right now the Department is looking for two new PhD candidates, and the positions are currently being advertised on Lund University's homepage. You'll find more information following any of the two links below. Should you fit the profile, you are most welcome [...]

18 March 2014

Nordic FDS user group meeting

7 March 2014

Robin Imskog and Sebastian Friedrich have received the prize for best Master’s thesis during 2013, awarded by “Intresseföreningen för processäkerhet” (IPS). The title of Robin and Sebastian’s thesis was: “Risk consideration during urbanisation in the proximity of major industrial hazards”. Read more on this page. We congratulate Robin and [...]

16 January 2014

It is with the great sadness that we learnt of the sudden death of Professor Philip Thomas on January 14th. Philip had been a most distinguished Chairman of ISO TC92 for nearly 20 years from 1976 to 1995. He was with support of e.g. Professor Kawagoe (Japan) and Prof. Petterson (From Lund) the founding father of the IAFSS association and he was [...]

16 January 2014

It is with the great sadness that we learnt of the sudden death of Professor Philip Thomas on January 14th. Philip had been a most distinguished Chairman of ISO TC92 for nearly 20 years from 1976 to 1995. He was with support of e.g. Professor Kawagoe (Japan) and Prof. Petterson (From Lund) the founding father of the IAFSS association and he was [...]

16 December 2013

Den 28 november 2013 anordnade forskningsprojektet PRIVAD (som drivs från Avdelningen för brandteknik och riskhantering) ett seminarium om kritiska beroenden och viktiga samhällsfunktioner i Stockholm. Nedan finns presentationerna från seminariet. Henrik Tehler - Inledning Henrik Hassel - Kritiska beroenden: Metodöversikt och samhällskritiska  [...]

16 December 2013

Our master students Carl Spennare and Caspar Kindt last year graduated our master of engineering program with the completion of their awarded thesis Suicide Prevention in the Railway System. Now their thesis has also had consequences for societal investments. Recently the newspaper Sydsvenskan covered the news that The Swedish Transportation [...]

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