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21 September 2018

Kristin Andrée presenterar sin licentiatavhandling "Utrymningshissar och utrymningsplatser utifrån de utrymmandes perspektiv" kl. 1315 den 19 oktober i hörsal V:D, John Ericssons väg 1, Lund. Opponent är Dr. Jonas Andersson från Myndigheten för delaktighet. Licentiatseminariet är på svenska. Efter seminariet bjuds det lättare förtäring. Vänligen [...]

20 September 2018

The first lab in the new course in fire investigation has just been completed. The students will learn to apply their knowledge of fire dynamics and simulation to investigate fires. They will also learn generic skills of accident investigation. The course has a broad spectrum of lecturers from both within and outside Lund university (e.g. Police, [...]

14 September 2018

It is a pleasure for us to announce that Margaret McNamee is appointed as professor in Fire Safety Engineering with focus on fire and the environment and fire chemistry. Margaret comes most recently RISE as Chief Technology Office/Technical Director.  She will join the division from the 1st of October. She has been active in many research projects [...]

14 September 2018

The division of Fire Safety Engineering has been represented at the European Symposium on Fire Safety Science (ESFSS) in Nancy, France, September 12-14. This was the third ESFSS and a total of 140 researchers participated! 

2 September 2018

The Department of Fire Safety Engineering at Lund University is launching the third edition of the online course “Fire Evacuation Design”. The course content covers different behavioural theories and concepts concerning fire evacuation. The course also includes an overview of the evacuation models available on the market (from an impartial point of [...]

20 August 2018

A Virtual Reality experiment on evacuation took place in the Fire Lab during the summer, in the context of a PhD thesis. Researchers at the Division of Fire Safety Engineering fitted a VR hotel room in a 4x4 m2 area in our lab, so the participants could see the VR room using a wireless head-mounted display, and walk freely in the clear space in the [...]

15 August 2018

Professor Longhua Hu visited the division of Fire Safety Engineering during last week. Professor Longhua is Director Assistant at the State Key Laboratory of Fire Science (SKLFS) in China. During his visit Professor Longhua presented research at SKLFS on wind aided fire spread. The division currently hold a three-year mobility grant for exchange of [...]

29 July 2018

The Faculty of Engineering recently published an article about the research Dr. Enrico Ronchi has conducted on wild fires. Read about it (in Swedish) here.

29 June 2018

The EU have extended our joint Erasmus programme for another 4 years with 48 scholarships meaning 12 each year. This gives a stable situation of the program for the coming years! The IMFSE programme is jointly offered by Ghent University (Belgium), Lund University (Sweden) and the University of Edinburgh (UK). The program has been labelled as a [...]

19 June 2018

On Friday, Jonathan Wahlqvist defended his PhD thesis: "Numerical modeling of the coupled feedback between pool fires and their environment". The opponent Pascal Boulet, University of Lorraine and examination committee, consisting of: Elizabeth Weckman, University of Waterloo, Anja Hofmann-Böllinghaus, BAM and Lars Jensen, LU, did a very good job. [...]

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