PhD student position
The division of Fire Safety Engineering has an open position for a doctoral student. The position relates to the area of evacuation and the study of people’s behaviour during fire scenarios. In particular, this doctoral position refers to the use of simulation tools (e.g. Virtual Reality) for the study of evacuation and human behaviour in building [...]
Characterization of Soot from Fires in Laboratory Controlled Environments
During a testing campaign of 20 days, various products as cables, plastics, electrical cards, magnetic coil etc have been tested for characterization of the soot yield, particle matter, heat release rate etc. The campaign is financed and led by CERN to determine emissions from fires from the current facility but also as a pre-study for fire [...]
Läs till brandingenjör - ny broschyr
LTH Brandteknik har tagit fram en ny broschyr riktad till de som söker in till Högskola/Universitet. Sprid gärna denna broschyr. Det finns även möjlighet att beställa tryckta exemplar genom att kontakta Håkan Frantzich.
Presentation av examensarbeten 20 mars
Tisdagen den 20/3 presenteras examensarbeten på avdelningen Brandteknik, LTH. Schema och inbjudan hittar du här.Du är hjärtligt välkommen att delta!
Dr. Ronchi has been appointed reader
Dr. Enrico Ronchi has been appointed as reader (Docent). This is proof of his excellence and great knowledge in evacuation modelling and human behaviour in fires. This also means that Dr. Ronchi can act as main supervisor for PhD students at Lund University. There are currently four people at the division that acts as main supervisor, Patrick van [...]
Professor Emeritus Göran Holmstedts bortgång
Professor Emeritus Göran Holmstedt lämnade den 28 december familj, vänner och kollegor i stor sorg och saknad. Göran har betytt oerhört mycket för utvecklingen av forskningen och utbildningen vid avdelningen och vi är många som har Göran att tacka för mycket. Annons Sydsvenskan (In English) Professor Emeritus Göran Holmstedt passed away on [...]
Presentation av examensarbeten
Tisdagen den 14/1 presenteras examensarbeten på avdelningen Brandteknik, LTH. Schema och inbjudan hittar du här.Du är hjärtligt välkommen att delta!
Future Research leader grant on "Building Egressibility in an ageing society"
The department of Fire Safety Engineering and the Centre for Ageing and Supportive Environments (CASE) at Lund University got granted a joint 3-year project in the research area of egress (that is, exiting a building in case of emergency) and ageing. The goal of the project is to develop the concept of Egressibility for all to ensure that egress [...]
What a crowd! Dr Ronchi co-chair at Crowd Dynamics workshop at the Lorentz Centre
During the week from the 5-9 of November, the workshop "Physics and Psychology of Human Crowd Dynamics" took place at the prestigious Lorentz Center in Leiden (The Netherlands). The workshop was co-chaired by Dr Enrico Ronchi (Lund University), Dr Alessandro Corbetta and Prof Federico Toschi (Technical University of Eindhoven), Prof John Drury [...]
Kristin Andrée försvarade sin licentiatavhandling "Utrymningshissar och utrymningsplatser utifrån de utrymmandes perspektiv" i fredags den 19 oktober. Efter Kristins presentation blev det en bra diskussion mellan Kristin och opponent är Dr. Jonas Andersson från Myndigheten för delaktighet. Efter presentationen och diskussionen godkände examinatorn, [...]