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13 September 2013

This week, the Fire Protection and Safety in Tunnels conference was arranged in Copenhagen at Hilton Copenhagen Airport Hotel. Both Daniel Nilsson and Karl Fridolf from the Department attended the conference and gave speeches as well as hosted roundtable discussions. Daniel gave a presentation on the Wednesday, with the title "Uncovering human [...]

6 September 2013

Vi söker försökspersoner över 18 år för ett försök i Virtual Reality-miljö där utrymningssäkerhet från en hög byggnad kommer att studeras. Studien utförs av Avdelningen för brandteknik och riskhantering, LTH, och försöket genomförs i Virtual Reality-labbet på IKDC. Läs mer om försöket här. Anmälan till försöket gör du här. På grund av [...]

21 August 2013

Dr. Enrico Ronchi joined the Department from the 1st of August 2013 as a Post-doctoral researcher. Enrico took his PhD at the Politecnico di Bari (Italy) in 2012, where he defended the thesis “Evacuation modelling in road tunnel fires”. He already worked at the Department during four months in the summer of 2012. He has been a guest researcher at [...]

10 July 2013

Associate Professor Bjarne Husted will join the Department from the 1st of October 2013. Bjarne took his PhD at Lund University in 2009, and has been working at Stord/Haugesund University College and University of Stavanger as an Associate Professor during the last couple of years. His competence areas are extinguishing systems and CFD modelling, [...]

4 July 2013

On June 19 2013 Johan Bergström, Associate Professor at our department, gave a keynote speech on the topic "What, Where and When is Risk in System Design?" The keynote was given at "Velocity" in Santa Clara, CA; a conference focusing on web operations and performance, and some of the Johan's examples  focus on this domain. The keynote was recorded [...]

1 July 2013

On June 24th the second cohort of students from the Erasmus Mundus programme master students (IMFSE) graduated. The graduation ceremony was held in “The Pand” in Gent Belgium. Associate Professor Berit Andersson from Lund University participated at the event. The students also made a video report of their two years journey in Gent, Belgium and [...]

28 June 2013

Due to the large fire that started in a waste dump in Malmö yesterday, Associate Professor Stefan Svensson was interviewed in Swedish radio today. Stefan is an expert in fire tactics, and gave his view on the consequences of the fire. You can listen to the interview by following this link (in Swedish).

28 June 2013

This week the 13th International Fire Science and Engineering Conference (Interflam) was arranged at the Royal Holloway College University of London, UK. The Department of Fire Safety Engineering and Systems Safety was represented by both PhD students and senior researchers, who in total presented four papers and four posters. The publications are [...]

20 May 2013

Den 28-29 maj redovisas flera examensarbeten i brandteknik och riskhantering. Samtliga redovisningar äger rum i V:Brand, LTH, John Ericssons väg 1. För mer information se bifogad inbjudan. Observera att starttiderna är utan akademisk kvart. Inbjudan

16 May 2013

Brandforsks särskilda satsning mot anlagda bränder avslutats under våren! Avdelningen för Brandteknik & Riskhantering har medverkat i flera delprojekt och vi kommer redovisa resultat från dessa under tre seminarier i slutet av maj och början av juni. För anmälan och mer information, se här.

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