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17 January 2018

It is time to apply for our International Master Program, IMFSE. The application deadline for scholarship applicants is 31 January 2018. You can find more information about the program and application here.  The IMFSE programme is jointly offered by 3 Full Partner Universities: Ghent University (Belgium), Lund University (Sweden) and the [...]

12 January 2018

Fredagen den 26/1 presenteras examensarbeten på avdelningen Brandteknik, LTH. Schema och inbjudan hittar du här.Du är hjärtligt välkommen att delta. 

5 January 2018

Onsdagen den 10/1 presenteras examensarbeten på avdelningen Brandteknik, LTH. Schema och inbjudan hittar du här.Du är hjärtligt välkommen att delta. 

22 December 2017

The Division of Fire Safety Engineering wishes You all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! See You in 2018!

5 December 2017

Fredagen den 18/12 presenteras ett examensarbete på avdelningen Brandteknik, LTH. Schema och inbjudan hittar du här.Du är hjärtligt välkommen att delta. 

28 November 2017

Nu finns den senaste versionen av Brandskyddshandboken till försäljning. Det är nummer sex i ordningen sedan boken kom första gången. Boken är uppdaterad utifrån senaste BBR och tolkningar från Boverket. Nytt för i år är att boken finns både i tryckt form och som e-bok i pfd-format. Det går att beställa de två versionerna var för sig men köper du [...]

24 November 2017

Dr. Enrico Ronchi has been promoted to Senior Lecturer in evacuation modelling at the Division of Fire Safety Engineering. Enrico's research and teaching activities focus on evacuation in buildings and large outdoor fires (e.g. fires in wildland-urban interfaces). Enrico has also recently started an active collaboration with the Division of [...]

21 November 2017

After the recent events of the Grenfell tower and wildfires in California, Portugal and Spain, researchers at the Division of Fire Safety Engineering at Lund University have been involved in a series of initiatives aimed at raising awareness on the funding situation of fire science. Prof Patrick van Hees and Dr Enrico Ronchi are both signatories of [...]

5 November 2017

The Division of Fire Safety Engineering has received the visit of Dr Jake Pauls, one of the founding fathers of the evacuation research field. Jake is the inventor of the effective width concept and a leader expert on stair evacuation. His research findings are today reflected in several Fire Safety Codes and Handbooks (e.g. NFPA, SFPE handbook, [...]

23 October 2017

The week of 16-20 October, researchers from the department attended the meetings of ISO TC92 SC4 Fire Safety Engineering in Santander, Spain. Daniel Nilsson (chair of SC4), Enrico Ronchi (TG leader in WG7) and Axel Mossberg (Brandskyddslaget and industry PhD student at the department) attended the meetings. Examples of documents discussed at the [...]

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