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26 November 2020

Den 10 december är det presentationer av examensarbete på avdelningen för brandteknik enligt nedanstående schema. Presentationer och opponering sker online via zoom (ör08.00 -08.55Insatsplanering anpassad för naturmiljöEbba Johnsson och Erik Joelsson09.00 –09.55Statistical analysis of [...]

15 September 2020

The PhD thesis defense on "Utilizing Research to Enhance Fire Service Knowledge" by Stephen Kerber can be access online through this Zoom link (password to join the online defense is: 2020)

7 September 2020

Magnus Arvidson will as previously announced defend his licentiate thesis: "Water mist fire protection systems - the development of testing procedures for marine and heritage applications" on September 9 at 09.00. If you wish to attend the defense through zoom you need to register you interest by e-mail to

26 August 2020

This week we have welcomed a new class of fire engineering students (Bi20). This week includes different types of introduction and team building (both online and at the university (the latter of course adapted to the current corona situation))

25 August 2020

Our industrial PhD student Stephen Kerber defends his PhD thesis "Utilizing Research to Enhance Fire Service Knowledge" on September 15. The faculty opponent is Professor Charley Fleischmann, New Zealand. The defence will take place at 12.00 am/pm in Lecture hall V:B, building V, John Ericssons väg 1, Faculty of Engineering LTH, Lund. The defence [...]

18 August 2020

Magnus Arvidson will defend his licentiate thesis: "Water mist fire protection systems - the development of testing procedures for marine and heritage applications" on September 9 at 09.00. The defense will take place in room V:B, V-building, Faculty of Engineering. The faculty opponent is Dr. Jukka Varri, VTT Finland, and examiner is Dr. Bjarne [...]

30 July 2020

The Department of Fire Safety Engineering is involved in the 2-year project (Sep 2020-Aug 2022) called "Perceived threats and 'stampedes': a relational model of collective fear responses " funded by the Economic and Social Science Research Council in the UK (total project budget ~1 Million eur). The project addresses the question of how people [...]

14 May 2020

We are very happy to welcome Steve Gwynne as new adjunct Professor of Evacuation and Pedestrian Dynamics at the division of Fire Safety Engineering. Prof. Gwynne will work 20% at the division aside of his ordinary work as Research Lead at Movement Strategies (UK). Prof. Gwynne has nearly 25 years of experience in the area of pedestrian dynamics, [...]

12 May 2020

We are very happy to welcome Petra Andersson as new adjunct Professor at the division of Fire Safety Engineering. Prof. Andersson will work 20% at the division aside of her ordinary work at Research Institutes of Sweden (RISE). Prof. Andersson presented her PhD thesis, Evaluation and Mitigation of Industrial Fire Hazards, at the division in 1997 [...]

10 April 2020

Är du intresserad av att veta vad en brandingenjör gör? Titta på denna speciellt framtagna hemsida där studierna och yrket presenteras av studenter och tidigare studenter.

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