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20 October 2017

Fredagen den 27/10 presenteras ett examensarbete på avdelningen Brandteknik, LTH. Schema och inbjudan hittar du här.Du är hjärtligt välkommen att delta. 

25 August 2017

Our students at the International Master of Science in Fire Safety Engineering (IMFSE) have their own blog. The blog is frequently updated with students reflections about courses, the Universities and student life. A couple of weeks a ago there were a blog post about our course in Advanced Fire Dynamics.You can find the blog here!

21 August 2017

After the success of the first edition, the Division of Fire Safety Engineering at Lund University is launching the second edition of the online course “Fire Evacuation Design”. The course content covers different behavioural theories and concepts concerning fire evacuation. The course also includes an overview of the evacuation models available on [...]

17 August 2017

During the summer, Dr Enrico Ronchi has been visiting researcher at the Hazelab of Prof Guillermo Rein at Imperial College London. The visit was part of an International project in the area of wildfire urban evacuation modelling. The project is funded by NIST and it involves Lund University, Imperial College, the National Research Council of Canada [...]

1 July 2017

Daniel Nilsson has been cited in an article about the tragedy in the Grenfell Tower published in the British newspaper The Economist. The article highlights the importance of proper fire precautions in buildings and that high-rise buildings do not need to be more dangerous than any other buildings.

20 June 2017

The 12th International Symposium on Fire Safety Science was a success. The Division of Fire Safety Engineering hosted the Symposium on June 10 to June 16. The Symposium attracted a record number of participants (> 470) from all continents except Antarctica! The Symposium is the premier fire safety science meeting in the world and has been [...]

11 June 2017

The Harry C. Bigglestone award is given annually to the paper appearing in Fire Technology that best represents excellence in the communication of fire protection concepts. This year it was awarded to Enrico Ronchi, Erica D. Kuligowski, Daniel Nilsson, Richard D. Peacock, and Paul A. Reneke, for their paper entitled “Assessing the Verification and [...]

8 June 2017

The IMFSE program that the Division runs together with Ghent University and The University of Edinburgh is labeled as a 'success story' and a 'good practice example' on the Erasmus+ Project Results platform. The Erasmus+ writes that "The three partners build upon their excellence in research and experience with existing educational programmes in [...]

28 May 2017

Dr Ronchi has been selected for the Jack Watts Award for Outstanding Reviewer of Fire Technology. The award is  presented annually to those whose reviews were most valuable in terms of the quality, in-depth, number and timeliness. This year Dr Ronchi is one of the four researchers selected for the award among the 395 eligible reviewers.

18 May 2017

Den 30 och 31 maj presenteras examensarbeten på avdelningen Brandteknik, LTH. Presentationerna är öppna för alla och ingen föranmälan krävs. Schema för presentationerna återfinns i bilden till höger.  Examensarbeten presenteras inom följande områden: VBRM01: Examensarbete i brandteknik (22,5 poäng) - Examensarbete på brandingenjörsutbildningen  [...]

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