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10 April 2018

För att höja kvalitén och trovärdigheten inom ingenjörsområdet brandberäkningar har föreningen för brandteknisk ingenjörsvetenskap (BIV) organiserat en Round Robinstudie inom CFD området. En Round Robinstudie inom beräkningsområdet är en studie där man jämför vad olika deltagare kommer fram till givet identiska instruktioner. Två olika [...]

3 April 2018

There is a open position at the division of Fire Safety Engineering. We are looking for a Professor in Fire Safety Engineering with focus on fire-related environmental protection and fire chemistry. You can read more about the position here.

29 March 2018

På BIVs årsstämma tillkännagavs att årets BIV-stipendiat är Docent Daniel Nilsson.  Motiveringen lyder: "Daniel Nilsson har på flera sätt bidragit till utveckling och spridning av modern brandteknisk ingenjörsvetenskap. Han har bedrivit egen forskning främst inom området Human Behaviour in Fire och bidragit till utvecklingen av området så att det [...]

20 March 2018

Research from Lund University and the division of Fire Safety Engineering is highlighted in the magazine Chemical and Engineering News. Dan Madsen and Bjarne Husted are involved in research where gases from smoldering fires have been analysed with chromatography-mass spectrometry. The results are exciting and a full presentation of the results will [...]

13 March 2018

The objective of the new test facility is to provide a unique medium scale tunnel for studying fire dynamics in tunnels. The facility will offer the ability to analyze the burning behavior of products, such as cables and linings, and their missions. There will also be the possibility to evaluate the performance of active systems, such as detectors, [...]

13 March 2018

Pete Thompson is joining the division of FSE as adjunct lecturer with focus on programming of evacuation models. Pete is Senior Principal Engineer at Autodesk Inc. and will strengthen our human behavior research group. We would like to wish Pete welcome and wish him good luck in his position!

5 March 2018

From March 1st, Stefan Svensson has left our division to meet new challenges. We would like to thank him for efforts he made at the division and wish him good luck!

5 March 2018

Tisdagen den 13/3 presenteras examensarbeten på avdelningen Brandteknik, LTH. Schema och inbjudan hittar du här.Du är hjärtligt välkommen att delta. 

12 February 2018

The 3rd European Symposium on Fire Safety Science will be held on September 12-14, 2018 at the University of Lorraine, in Nancy, France. Following the conference held in Cyprus (2015), the 3rd ESFSS, will be the third edition of a series of symposia organized in Europe, with the participation of the International Association for Fire Safety [...]

6 February 2018

The Division of Fire Safety Engineering has recently been granted two major grants. The first one is an internal infrastructure grant from Lund University in order to build up a medium-scale tunnel test facility. The test facility will become very useful in current projects with e.g. CERN in Switzerland and new upcoming projects. The facility is [...]

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