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29 January 2024

My name is Zhengda Guo, from the State Key Laboratory of Fire Science, University of Science and Technology of China. My main research direction is wire fires. I came to the division of fire safety engineering of Lund University for a one-year exchange program in January this year. My main plan this year is to understand the research direction [...]

22 January 2024

The participants and lecturers at the PhD course on Tunnel Fire Dynamic from October 2023 to January 2024 at the Department of Fire Safety Engineering Lund University. The final presentations of the participants project works were done on the Friday 19th of January. Congratulations to all participants for a great efforts and results! Standing from [...]

4 January 2024

We will have Master thesis presentations on January 11th and 12th. You can join both online and in the V-building at LTH in Lund. Agenda and information about how to join (online). Very Welcome!

28 November 2023

We will have presentations of student thesis work on December 8th! You can join both online and in the V-building at LTH in Lund. Agenda and information about how to join (online).  

27 October 2023

The Division of Fire Safety Engineering was well represented at the International Symposium of Fire Safety Science in Tsukuba, Japan. Several papers and poster were presented by people associated with the division. There were also awards presented to our colleagues Margaret McNamee (Forum award), Arthur Rohaert for best student paper and Konrad [...]

7 September 2023

From 2012-2018, I studied „Safety & Hazard Defense”, an interdisciplinary and consecutive bachelor’s and master's degree program on fire protection, disaster management and hazard prevention at Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg (OVGU) and Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences in Germany. After graduating in 2018, I started to work [...]

17 July 2023

Det är med sorg som vi får informera om att vår gästlärare Rita Fahy från NFPA gått bort den 12 juli. Rita deltog i undervisningen om människors beteende vid brand och var en mycket uppskattad lärare och kollega

2 June 2023

This autumn the division of fire safety engineering will offer one of our doctoral courses as an external course for professionals. The course "Fire Dynamics in Tunnels" is managed by Prof Haukur Ingason and corresponds to 7.5 ECTS! You can sign up for the course here. Please contact Haukur Ingason (haukur.ingason [ at ] for more [...]

15 May 2023

9 March 2023

Den 20:e mars redovisas examensarbete på avdelningen Brandteknik, LTH. Vänligen se bifogat schema. Redovisningarna kommer att hållas i sal V:Brand, Johan Ericssons väg 1 i Lund samt online via Zoom. Zoom-länk:  Ni är varmt välkomna att delta.

Page Manager: | 2023-05-09