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Two new PhD positions at the Department

– Published 28 March 2014

Foto: Charlotte Carlberg Bärg

Are you interested in becoming a PhD student at the Department of Fire Safety Engineering? Right now the Department is looking for two new PhD candidates, and the positions are currently being advertised on Lund University's homepage. You'll find more information following any of the two links below. Should you fit the profile, you are most welcome to apply!

Är du intresserad av att forskarstudera vid Avdelningen för brandteknik vid Lunds tekniska högskola? Just nu finns två tjänster utlysta på Lunds universitets hemsida. Du hittar mer information under respektive länk nedan. Välkommen med din ansökan!


  1. Doktorand i brandteknik (Svenska)
  2. Doktorand i brandteknik (Svenska) / PhD student in fire safety (English)