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Our condolences

– Published 16 January 2014

It is with the great sadness that we learnt of the sudden death of Professor Philip Thomas on January 14th. Philip had been a most distinguished Chairman of ISO TC92 for nearly 20 years from 1976 to 1995. He was with support of e.g. Professor Kawagoe (Japan) and Prof. Petterson (From Lund) the founding father of the IAFSS association and he was dearly cherished by those of us who knew and worked with him. Finally last but not least, he has been a guest professor in the FPE programme of Lund and was appreciated by all students and colleagues. We really will miss him and forward our condolences to his wife and family. Those of you who would like to send their personal condolences to Joanna, his wife, can do so via the following email address: