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ISO TC92 plenary meeting in Tsukuba, Japan

– Published 6 April 2017

ISO TC92, Fire Safety, had its 31st plenary meeting in Tsukuba Japan on March 31st. The same week all four SCs under TC92 as well as the working groups met in the Tsukuba Center for Institutes and made very good progress. On Sunday March 26th, there were also three workshops organised dealing with data collections and statistics, new work items and fire safety of façades.

During its plenary meeting TC92 initiated three new working areas and TGs will be established to conduct feasibility studies for new work items. The three areas are: Large Outdoor Fires, Tunnel Fires and Fire Fighter Tactics and Safety. Hopefully this will lead to an increase of new activities in TC92. Lund University participated with Patrick van Hees (Chair TC92), Daniel Nilsson (Chair SC4), Enrico Ronchi (SC4) and guest lecturer Rita Fahy from NFPA (SC4).

The meetings were perfectly hosted by JISC and IIBH. Both organisations and their staff are thanked for their hospitality and kindness during the whole week.