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ISO TC92 meeting at NIST

– Published 28 October 2015

In the week of 18-23 October, the technical committee ISO TC92 Fire Safety met at NIST in Gaithersburg, USA. Prof. Patrick van Hees, chair of TC92, and Daniel Nilsson, chair of Sub Committee 4 (SC4) on Fire Safety Engineering, both attended the meetings. Many interesting standards, technical specifications and technical reports were discussed in the meeting. The work in ISO is beneficial to the Division of Fire Safety Engineering in many ways. For example, the current development of documents in such areas as Fire Safety Engineering (SC4) and Fire Initiation and Growth (SC1) help to improve the quality of the Fire Safety Engineering Program at Lund University. Also, being active in the development of standards is a good way of spreading and implementing research results. You can find more information about ISO TC92 here.