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ISO meetings and Fire Safety 2017

– Published 23 October 2017

The week of 16-20 October, researchers from the department attended the meetings of ISO TC92 SC4 Fire Safety Engineering in Santander, Spain. Daniel Nilsson (chair of SC4), Enrico Ronchi (TG leader in WG7) and Axel Mossberg (Brandskyddslaget and industry PhD student at the department) attended the meetings. Examples of documents discussed at the meetings are ”DIS/ISO 23932 General principles - Part 1: General” and ”NWIP Verification and Validation protocol for building fire evacuation models”. During the week in Santander, ISO TC92 SC1 and SC3 also met.

Following the ISO meetings, Daniel and Enrico attended the Fire Safety 2017 conference at the University of Cantabria, Spain. Daniel gave a keynote entitled ”Panic in Fire Emergencies: Myth or reality?” and Enrico gave a presentation entitled ”Framework for an integrated simulation system for Wildland-Urban Interface fire evacuation”. The conference represented a great opportunity to share the results of the research conducted at the Department with the fire safety community. The full conference program can be found here.