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Interflam 2016

– Published 7 July 2016

A large delegation from the Division of Fire Safety Engineering at Lund University participated in Interflam, the 14th International Conference and Exhibition on Fire Science and Engineering. Interflam was held 4-6 July at Royal Holloway College, Nr Windsor, UK. 

Professor Patrick van Hees held a keynote presentation on The Urgent Need for System Thinking in Fire Safety – The Only Way Forward for Testing, Engineering and Education. Additionally, more than ten presentations were held at the conference by people associated with the division, and the paper Experimental Assessment of Bench-Scale Ignitability Parameters by Frida Vermina Lundström, industrial PhD student at DBI (the Danish Institute of Fire and Security Technology) and Lund University, won the Best Paper by a Young Researcher award at the conference.

The entire conference program can be found here.