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IMFSE program labeled ‘a very interesting and valuable Erasmus Mundus Master course’

– Published 20 August 2014

The IMFSE (International Master of Science in Fire Safety Engineering) Management Board is proud to announce that the IMFSE program has been labeled ‘a very interesting and valuable Erasmus Mundus Master course’ after official Quality Review assessment by the European Commission. As a result, the IMFSE program has been formally included to the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees (EMJMD) Catalogue of EACEA (Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency). The IMFSE program scores particularly well in terms of ‘relevance’ and ‘attractiveness’. The major challenge is the attraction of external funding from public/private partners. Interested parties are encouraged to contact the local IMFSE program directors for more details: Prof. Bart Merci, Prof. Albert Simeoni and Prof. Patrick van Hees.