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Human Behaviour in Fire Symposium 2015

– Published 8 May 2015

On the 28th-30th of September, 2015, the 6th International Symposium on Human Behaviour in Fire will take place at the Downing College, Cambridge, UK.

The Department of Fire Safety Engineering is involved in an impressive number of contributions, including 1 Keynote presentation, 9 papers, 3 posters and a discussion panel.  


The complete list of contributions is available here (LU contributors in bold):

Keynote: Virtual Reality Experiments - The future or a dead end? (Nilsson and Kinateder)

Discussion Panel: Reviewing the ethical boundaries of empirical research in the area of human behaviour in fire (Nilsson and Boyce)

Paper: Estimating the number of people in buildings with data from ventilation systems (Ingmarsson, Pettersson, Nilsson and Purser)

Paper: Response to Emergency Way-finding Systems by People from Different Cultures (Troncoso, Nilsson and Ronchi)

Paper: Exploring the biomechanics of walking and crowd ‘flow’ (Thompson, Nilsson, McGrath and Boyce)

Paper: Uncertainties In Evacuation Modelling: Uncertainties in Evacuation Modelling: Current flaws and future improvements (Machado and Ronchi)

Paper: Attitudes about safe refuge areas as an egress strategy from the point of view of the mobility impaired people, authorities and building planners (Andree, Frantzich, Bengtson and Jönsson)

Paper: The relationship between obstructed and unobstructed walking speed: Results from an evacuation experiment in a smoke filled tunnel (Fridolf, Ronchi, Nilsson and Frantzich)

Paper: Collection and use of data from school egress trials (Cuesta, Ronchi and Gwynne)

Paper: A mixed-ordered approach to investigate correlations among different affordances in fire evacuation (Lovreglio, Ronchi and Nilsson)

Paper: Ascending evacuation - Walking speed in stairs as a function of height (Delin, Norén, Fridolf, Kuklane, Månsson)

Poster: Modelling the impact of sky-bridges on total evacuation in high-rise buildings (Haliti, Ronchi and Nilsson)

Poster: Management of Refuge Areas (Boström, Spelmans, Nilsson)

Poster: Ascending Stair Evacuation – effects of fatigue, walking speed & human behaviour (Norén, Delin, Fridolf, Kuklane, Halder, Lundgren, Ronchi, Arias)


Do not miss the opportunity to be updated on the human behaviour in fire research carried out at the Department! For more information about the conference: