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Hana Najmanová - visiting PhD student

– Published 25 January 2016

Hana Najmanová, PhD student from the Department of Building Structures at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, will visit the division during the spring. Hana has a bachelor in Fire Protection Engineering and a master in Fire Safety Engineering. As a PhD student Hana is regularly involved in teaching activities, and participates in many research projects. Hana is also a researcher and team member of the Fire laboratory at the University Centre for Energy Efficient Buildings.

Hanas area of interest is in the field of evacuation and human behaviour in fire. In her doctoral thesis Hana will specialise in the evacuation conditions of pre-school children in the age 3 to 6 years. In fire safety engineering and performance-based design, one of the most crucial aspects is availability of relevant data. Since human egress data sets considering children’s movement parameters are scarce, Hanas doctoral research will focus on acquiring experimental data from large-scale and laboratory experiments, and the use of the data in e.g. evacuation modelling.