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Future Research leader grant on "Building Egressibility in an ageing society"

– Published 20 November 2018

The department of Fire Safety Engineering and the Centre for Ageing and Supportive Environments (CASE) at Lund University got granted a joint 3-year project in the research area of egress (that is, exiting a building in case of emergency) and ageing. The goal of the project is to develop the concept of Egressibility for all to ensure that egress planning and procedures are designed to equally consider all members of an ageing society. The principal investigator of the project is Dr Enrico Ronchi. The multi-disciplinary project team includes top researchers in Health Sciences from CASE (Dr Gunilla Carlsson, Dr Björn Slaug, Dr Steven Schmidt and Dr Giedre Gefenaite) and it received 3 million Swedish crowns from the Swedish Research Council FORMAS within the call "Future research leaders".