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European Symposium on Fire Safety Science

– Published 22 June 2015

Karlis Livkiss and Blanca Andres presenting a poster at ESFSS

Lund University was represented at the European Symposium on Fire Safety Science (ESFSS) by five persons from the department of Fire Safety Engineering. The symposium was held in Nicosia, Cyprus on June 16-18. Stefan Svensson held a keynote presentation on 'Fire Research for the Rescue Service' and moderated the discussion following the poster session on the keynote topic. Two posters were also presented by people related to the department. Karlis Livkiss and Blanca Andres (industrial PhD students at DBI) presented a poster on 'Uncertainties in material thermal modelling in fire resistance tests', and Nils Johansson presented a poster on 'Radiative heat flux in a pre-flashover compartment fire'.