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Doctoral and Licentiate Thesis Defence Acts at the Department

– Published 13 November 2013

In December there will be two Doctoral Thesis defence acts and two Licentiate Thesis defence acts at the Department of Fire Safety Engineering and Systems Safety. Please see the attached invitations for more information. Welcome!

December 10: Alexander Cedergren with the title Exploring the Railway System from a Risk Governance Perspective (Doctoral Thesis). Download invitation.

December 11: Martin Nilsson with the title Fire Safety Evaluation of Multifunctional Buildings - Special Emphasis on Antagonistic Attacks and Protection of Sensitive Areas (Licentiate thesis). Download invitation.

December 17: Emmanuel Raju with the title Exploring the Dimensions of Coordination for Sustainable Disaster Recovery (Doctoral Thesis). Download invitation.

December 19: Nils Johansson with the title Numerical experiments - A research method in fire science (Licentiate thesis). Download invitation.