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Course in Tunnel Fire Dynamics

– Published 3 July 2019

The division of Fire Safety Engineering, Lund University (LU), plan to offer a course in Tunnel Fire Dynamics  to PhD students at LU as well as post-graduate students at other universities and external participants fulfilling the basic requirements on background education related to the subject. The course includes seminars, lectures and exercises.

The literature consists of the book Tunnel Fire Dynamics, written by Haukur Ingason, Ying Zhen Li and Anders Lönnermark 2015. The book covers fully the content of the course and gives necessary background to the problems to solve. This book includes among other things generation of combustion products, heat and radiation, the effects of combustion products, heat and radiation, temperatures, heat release rates etc.

The preliminary cost for external participants is 12 000 SEK for 8 seminars. There will be 4 occasions, each 2 days, including 2 seminars each time. The dates and times are given below. The location is Lund University, V-building, John Ericsson väg 1, Lund, Sweden. 

Occasion 1:

  • Thursday 10 Oct 2019, 13:15 - 17:00  
  • Friday 11 Oct 2019, 08:15 - 12:00  

Occasion 2: 

  • Thursday 14 Nov 2019, 13:15 - 17:00
  • Friday 15 Nov 2019, 08:15 - 12:00

Occasion 3:

  • Tuesday 10 Dec 2019, 13:15 - 17:00
  • Wednesday 11 Dec 2019, 08:15 - 12:00

Occasion 4:

  • Wednesday 22 Jan 2020, 13:15 - 17:00
  • Thursday 23 Jan 2020, 08:15 - 12:00

Information about registration will follow later but if you are keen to follow the course you can send an expression of interest to the course responsible (This is not a registration)

Course responsible Haukur Ingason +46 105 165197 or or