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A new PhD in Fire Safety Engineering

– Published 17 April 2015

Nils Johansson successfully defended his PhD thesis on the 13th of April. The faculty opponent was associate professor Björn Karlsson, University of Iceland and the examining committee consisted of:


  • Docent Frederik Ossler, Division of Combustion Physics, Department of Physics, Lund University, Sweden
  • Dr. Anne Steen-Hansen, SP Fire Research Norway/University of Technology and Science (NTNU), Norway
  • Dr.-Ing, Anja Hofmann-Böllinghaus, BAM Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing, University of Berlin, Germany


The thesis is entitled: Fire Dynamics of Multi-Room Compartments and contains both studies of the reproducibility of multi-room compartment fires and two novel hand-calculation methods that can be used to estimate the hot gas layer temperatur and interface height in rooms adjacent to the room of fire origin.  The thesis is available as online as open access from Lund University Library. 

The department of Fire Safety Engineering would like to congratulate Dr. Johansson!